Most people do not know of the poverty found in this small Central American country of Guatemala. Personally, I would have never known except for the life altering decision my husband and I made seven years ago. We prayerfully and joyfully adopted our youngest son from Guatemala. Actually, October fourteenth will be the anniversary of when we first held him in our arms. I could go on and on about that encounter but I have another purpose for writing.
Recently, I have been led by the Holy Spirit and His Word (Matthew 25:31-46) to pursue ways that our family can be involved in the lives of other children. God has directed us back to Guatemala. I began to pray intentionally and seek out ways for our family to help with this overwhelming need. As I prayed and searched guess what happened? We found a way to help.
In my searching, I was brought to tears by a book called, A Hole in Our Gospel by Richard Stearns (The President of World Vision). I had not experienced a conviction of that kind in a long time! It was overwhelming and overflowing. My husband and kids appeared concerned since I was practically sobbing as I read excerpts from the book during one of our morning devotionals. I assured them I would be OK. If God is directing you and/or your family to have an impact in another country I urge you to read this book.
The clincher for me (and my husband) was a blog post I read on the site A Holy Experience by Ann Voskamp. Mike and I both read it and viewed the pictures. THAT WAS IT FOR US!
There are many things throughout my daily life that can break my heart... When my kids argue with each other or when my husband and I argue. The sin in my life that I thought I released is a heart breaker as well. Other issues in the vast world can break my heart because I do not feel equipped to have an impact. Nonetheless, I am encouraged on to a point that I cannot resist any longer. The pain, the pictures, the possibilities are enough for me to move out of my small world. It would break my heart not too.
What breaks your heart?
Below are a few statistics on Guatemala:
Guatemala has the highest illiteracy rate in Central America. Eight out of every ten children are undernourished.
Today, 56 percent of Guatemalans live below the poverty line and 32 percent live on less than $2 a day. In rural areas, 78 percent of indigenous children under the age of 18 live in poverty. Guatemala has one of the highest income inequities in the world. The wealthiest 20 percent of the population receives 61 percent of the nation’s income, while the poorest 20 percent receives only 4 percent. (Taken from the World Vision website)