Pursuing Christ through my family, homeschooling, missions and anything else God calls me to do!
Monday, January 16, 2012
Our Visit with Zuly & her family
Friday, January 13, 2012
Mealtime at the Malnutrition Center

Thursday, January 12, 2012
Thursday, January 12th
Today was our final day at the
Right before lunch most of the children had the opportunity to help unload supplies for the center. We couldn’t believe how excited the children were to carry a container of wipes & diapers. They ran back and forth to the van without any whining or complaining. It was a joyful experience.
In the afternoon, the staff provided a wonderful snack for us as a send off… Authentic Guatemalan food. They had fun taking pictures and we had a chance to see more of their personalities come out despite the language barrier. A smile and laughter are universal.
This day was no different than the previous three days in regard to the way we would leave each afternoon. The children and staff would all come out and wave good-bye until we were out of sight. What was different about today was the fact that we wouldn't physically be back tomorrow. Our team may not be at the center tomorrow but a part of our hearts will always be there. What a joy and a blessing the Lord gave us this week!
We (the Fountain family) will be in Guatemala until Tuesday, the 17th. The Baggotts and Parkisions will be leaving us Saturday. On Monday, we will go visit our World Vision child, Zuly Elizabeth. We are very excited to see her and her family. Starting tomorrow we plan on visiting some sights in and around Antigua. It is a beautiful city. We have taken lots of pictures of the center and Antigua that we plan to share soon.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Tuesday, January 10th

Another great day at the
We had the opportunity to spend some time in
When we came back to the center we were able to do some cleaning while the kids took their nap time. Some team members wiped down chairs, others washed play mats and some repairs were completed. When the kids woke up after the nap time, many of us were on diaper duty/bathroom duty. Just imagine with me how long it takes to changes diapers or take 66 kids to the bathroom. We are all amazed at how the fulltime workers get all this done without volunteer teams. They are our heroes.
God has shown us that it doesn’t matter what country you are in or what you are called to do. It all comes down to God’s glory. We simply show up and let His glory be revealed by each of us being willing to play with children, observe culture and even clean a malnutrition center. It’s all about Him no matter where we are.
A Great First Day at the Center
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Sunday January 8th
Our day began with a wonderful worship service with our team. We shared songs together, talked about how God many times chooses the impossible to reveal His glory to us. Ethan started us off with a song. Rebecca read a scripture. Mike shared from the book of John on how God provides even when we think there's not enough.
Beautiful, protected & childlike faith were just a few of the words used to describe today during our WOW time tonight. We had the opportunity to see God’s beautiful and stunning creation today as we went as a group zip lining across the mountain canyons. We even got to see one of the volcanoes erupt several times today. Most mission trips have a "free" day. Today was ours.
Even though the ministry to the malnutrition center didn’t begin today, teambuilding did. Our team seemed to connect almost instantly from the children to the adults. We can’t wait to see what happens as God uses all of us to do His work this week. Tomorrow begins a full week of ministry! Enjoy some pictures we posted from today.